v i m u . i n f o
Deutsche version


General Robertson, den britiske militærguvernør, havde i marts 47 denne forklaring på, hvorfor den britiske denazificering skabte utilfredshed hos tyskerne: Out interest in denazification is quite different from that of the Germans. Apart from war crimes, we are chiefly concerned with security i.e. we wish the German administration and German industry to be staffed with people who are not dangerous to the aims of the occupation. For the Germans, however, the question is largely one of justice and retribution upon individuals who have oppressed and persecuted their fellow citizens and brought disaster upon their country. Criticism of our denazification measures is scarcely ever now based on security considerations but emanates from political opponents of the Nazis i.e. mainly Left-Wing Parties both in Germany and outside it. General Robertson mente i øvrigt, at hvis alle tidligere medlemmer af NSDAP skulle fjernes fra deres stillinger, så ville der ikke blive nogle embedsmænd tilbage, der kunne administrere for briterne. I stedet ville dette store antal arbejdsløse skabe alvorlige sikkerhedsproblemer.

Kilde: Turner 1989, s.244

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